Every year, students fill out the National Student Survey (NSS). It is an important assessment of the quality of the education offered by various institutes. For years, Tio takes the lead in various rankings. Tio is therefore proud to report that its students are once again highly satisfied and that the scores it earned are even higher than last year. On average, students give Tio a grade of 4.1 out of 5. Students are most satisfied with the overall atmosphere, the preparation for their professional careers, the group size and the internationalisation.
Well prepared
When it comes to preparing students for their professional careers, Tio earns top marks. Tio offers students a wealth of internship opportunities, regularly hosts master classes by renowned guest speakers from the sector and provides education with a practical focus. All this leads to improved opportunities on the employment market, student Eveline Renssen agrees: “I feel honoured to be enrolled in such a top-quality programme and I wouldn't want it any other way. Tio students are in high demand. Recruiters are already checking out my LinkedIn page!”
Personal attention in small groups
At Tio, the average group consists of just eleven students. That means there is plenty of time for personal attention and interaction, which students appreciate very much! The NSS score: a respectable 4.3 out of 5.
International nature
More and more of Tio's study programmes are available in English, a growing number of international students attends Tio and the organisation offers its students myriad opportunities to explore the world, e.g. through the international internships, the Study Abroad minor and the frequent study trips. All this earned Tio a score of 4.3 for this aspect.
Great atmosphere
The excellent atmosphere at Tio stands out among the results: students give the atmosphere an average score of 4.4 out of 5. With a score of 4.6, Tio Hengelo has the best atmosphere. Campus manager Maurice Krabbenborg: “Students genuinely love going to school. A pleasant, professional study environment that is also a lot of fun - that is important to me. After all, your time as a student is supposed to be the best time of your life.”
The NSS is conducted under the responsibility of Studiekeuze123.