Laptop on, microphone and webcam working, teammates are ready... pitch! No less than 13 student teams from Tio's bachelor programme Commerce, Entrepreneurship and Organisations are ready to pitch their ideas to the jury. The finale of the Branding Project is off to a good start.
Activate a new brand
The whole day is devoted to the final, with a kick-off at 10 AM, working on the assignment in the morning and time for the real thing in the afternoon: the pitches! The assignment consists of three components: choose a new brand, get started with the brand activation and visualize the brand activation.
Creative ideas
In the pitches in the afternoon it appears that the students have not been idle: new creative brands and experiences floated around like leaves in autumn. How about a watch that can charge other devices (Smart Charge), ice creams that provide energy (Energy Ice Stick) or a platform for volunteers (Unite!)? They all try to convince the jury in just five minutes per group.
The moment of truth
And then it is up to the jury to determine which team has best presented its brand. Judges Anke Muijzers from Boston Consulting Group, Wim Fase from Adne Consultancy and Martijn Nillesen from Combination of Factors are putting their heads together. It was a tough discussion, but in the end they ended up with one clear winner: FUIF from students Joost van Lange and Jorrit Honig from Tio Hengelo, and Trevor de Groot and Maurice Kremers from Tio Amsterdam! The team came up with an app for organising house parties. How do you market that? On festivals, handing out red cups with QR codes and giving away free coins when downloading the app.
Smart with budget
Under the appropriate sounds of We are the champions, the jury explains: “The concept has been very sharply conveyed in beautiful terms and with a sharp tone of voice. The team has been very smart with the budget, for example by using red cups.”
“Nice project in which you have to be creative”
"Super nice that we won!" is the first reaction of Joost from the winning team, who can split the cheque of € 500 with his teammates. “I also liked the project; it is really something you have to be creative in. Everyone gives their own presentation with a unique idea.”
There are two more prizes to be awarded: the second place goes to Energy Ice Stick with their healthy, energy ice cream that focuses on athletes, and third place goes to Social Call team with their initiative to help students combat loneliness in the elderly.