If you are attracting financing as a starting company, you can grow three times as fast as your competitors, according to a recently published study by Dealroom.co, Techleap.NL and CBRE about start-ups. But how do you get this financing? Get the help of Tio students!
Investor pitch deck
This week, during the Finance Week, business students from Tio delve into the financing of various start-ups. They take a close look at the entire financial management of start-ups, take a look behind the scenes and follow inspiring workshops. In doing so, they collect relevant information, set to work with an investor pitch deck and ultimately present it to investors.
Strategic thinking
Students advise, among others, start-up 247streaming.network, a company that uses podcasts to develop new ways of getting information and knowledge to the intended target group.
- Business student Laure van Nieuwkoop: “We have learned to think strategically and to look at a technology company from the perspective of an investor. It is a very interesting week; it makes is extra educational and fun that we’re working with a real company!"
- Tio lecturer Hans van de Ven agrees: “Because the students work with real companies, the learning effect is extremely high. The students learn what is involved when starting a business and looking for investors. Such a project week is a tool for students who want to start their own company later. "
The winner: MindMansion
The final of the Finance Week takes place in Kinepolis Jaarbeurs Utrecht, where students hold their pitches for real investors. The stakes are high, as the first prize is € 750 cash! The best pitch is from the MindMansion group: they use VR techniques to remedy anxiety disorders. The jury: “In the pitch deck it became very clear what the investments are needed for. In addition, the company is well scalable, has European ambitions and is clearly looking for smart money (read: not only money, but an investor who can also help them further in terms of knowledge).”
Brent Op het Veld of the winning team: “I think we won because we kept our pitch short and to the point, so that it was clear for the investors wat we needed. Great to win this prize!”