The Higher Education Guide 2017 has rated all of Tio University of Applied Sciences’ bachelor courses the best in their respective fields. This is a wonderful result and one which students, lecturers and staff are rightfully proud of. “The private Tio University of Applied Sciences, located in five Dutch cities, is the best of them all. Students are very positive about this institute,” states the Higher Education Guide.
Best bachelor course Business
With a score of 94 points, the International Business Management (IBM) course has been awarded the title of best IBMS course for the third consecutive year. The Higher Education Guide on IBM: “At all Tio locations large enough to ensure a reliable assessment, students range from satisfied to extremely excited. The courses are intense and offer a large amount of lecture hours, advanced course content and enthusiastic lecturers.” Student Valérie Michel says: “Tio is a great school that also offers pleasant communication with lecturers. There is also plenty of attention for practical situations and international opportunities.”
Best Hotel Management programme
The Hotel and Event management (HEM) course was awarded the title of best Hotel Management programme for the fourth consecutive year with a score of 92 points. The Higher Education Guide 2017 states the following on this course: “This is an advanced course that ties in seamlessly with the examination. General skills, such as developing a critical attitude and analytical thinking, are also stimulated.” Student Thijs Glaap: “Tio is a great school with many opportunities, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Because of the small group size, we get excellent support from enthusiastic lecturers with practical experience.”
Best bachelor course Tourism
International Tourism Management (ITM), with a score of 84 points, has earned first place among all Dutch tourism courses for the sixth consecutive year. “Future tourism managers are offered an intensive course at all locations. The lecturers are experts in their field and communication with the students is excellent. The students of Tio highly recommend the institute,” states the Higher Education Guide. Student Carmen Vollebregt about ITM: “You can tell that you are getting value for money. There is no overlap between subjects and I am in a class with just seven or eight students. This allows lecturers to give everyone all the attention they need.”
Source: Keuzegids Hbo 2017