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On a voyage of discovery with film, music and stories

During the annual Tour Operating Project, second-year tourism students compose an innovative product for a competitive tour operator in the Netherlands that they had set up themselves. For this comprehensive project they have drawn up a business plan consisting of, among other things, a product plan, a financial plan, a marketing and e-commerce plan and a website plus brochure. The plans are judged by a jury from the tourism industry.

007Travel - From Italy with Love

Larissa Kraaijenbrink and Manal Bennani have come up with a very original niche product: traveling through Italy in James Bond style, including visiting beautiful film locations and an exciting chase scene on a Vespa. With these Bond elements, fans can indulge themselves while they and their fellow travelers enjoy Italy together.

Touritm Music Travel

Nola van der Laan offers a tour of the United Kingdom for lovers of the versatile music of the 60s, 70s and 80s. The different music styles that are discussed, bring something for everyone. You will stay in accommodations with music themes. Touritm further distinguishes itself with strong lyrics in the programmes and its good, competitive position.

Ronda Verde

Bennet Vels and Jaimy Bethlehem provide a tour operating platform for green ("verde") train travel in Northern Spain. They receive compliments for their concept: a sustainable journey through cities that are not yet well known to the Dutch, making the journey a succession of discoveries. The design and the diverse programme plus the mix of apartments and hotels are also appreciated.


Floor Brekhof has given her company the wonderful name 'Coddiwomple', which means as much as “purposeful travel to an as yet unknown destination.” The jury is impressed by the presentation of her concept, 'holidays with a novel combination of literature and culture', described with a clever pun. She is also very successful with her brochure and website.

Lest best

The runner-up is Touritm with the wonderful immersion in music, but the winner of these finals is Coddiwomple. Floor Brekhof's tour operator wins first prize because of the beautiful concept for her trip, which she translated excellently into the total package of this project. Floor responds, “That's great! Amazing! I hadn't expected this. I'm really relieved.” What a beautifully designed Wonderland. We really want to go on your trip!

Read more about: project, tourism, winner