Business Management - Specialisation Fashion

Bachelor's degree 3 year Full time

Study programme

Practical is the keyword: learning by doing! Circa 55% of the Business Management bachelor’s degree, with a specialisation in Fashion Management, has a practical focus. The curriculum was designed in collaboration with trade associations, network organisations, and experts with a wealth of practical experience. This ensures the study programme ties in well with the sector’s needs and the latest trends.

Bachelor's degree in 3 or 4 years

Opt for an accelerated bachelor programme: you can earn your bachelor's degree in just three years. You can also complete the bachelor's programme in four years.

This programme is offered subject to accreditation. The bachelor's degree Business Management educates students in three or four years for the internationally recognised title of Bachelor of Science (BSc). If you choose the specialisation Fashion Management, your grade list will include an annotation listing that specialisation when you graduate. The curriculum is aligned with the national educational profile of Business Administration (ISAT-code 34035). Upon completion of this bachelor's degree, you will be awarded the coveted diploma from Tio University of Applied Sciences.